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Release time: 2023-09-26 [Font:Big Middle small]

 [Global Railway ReviewWebsite report] European digital automatic car hook (DAC) project has recently made important progress,completed the first actual test that lasted for several months。The test adopts a freight train equipped 188bet mobilewith a variety of digital automatic car hooks,In the past year and a half,,Cumulative 10,000 kilometers in seven countries in Europe。

  Digital automatic car hooks are key equipment to promote digitalization of European freight trains。Use traditional car hook devices,Only German Railway Freight Company's freight vehicle,Every day, you need to manually perform up to 70,000 connected operations in Europe,To complete the train marshal。If you use an automatic car hook,Freight trains can complete digital connection 188bet mobilein one second,Including braking lines and digital control lines。Once all the vehicles and operations in the transportation can be automated,Train running speed can achieve faster breakthroughs。The successful completion of the trial operation of this freight train,It has proved the practicality of the digital automatic car hook。In the trial,The train has entered a total of 25 different grouping stations,and at low altitude、Alps and other geographical conditions such as the Alps,and the extreme weather conditions 188bet mobileof minus 25 to 40 degrees Celsius performed.,The functional performance of the digital automatic car hook in different operating scenarios and environmental conditions,and find out the problem that needs to be improved。

  Current,Digital automatic automotive hooks are entering the next development stage,That is the new standard of cargo trains that matches it,Prepare for the batch production and application of automatic hooks in Europe in the future,The German Federal Digitalization and Transportation (BMDV) will provide subsequent 188bet mobile logintrials with 7 million euros。To expand the application scope of the digital automatic automotive hook project,Related clutch manufacturers are doing development,Test results provided based on trial operation,Proposed solutions for batch production。In addition to Germany and its subsidiaries, Dedie Freight Company,The DAC4EU consortium participating in the development project also includes the Swiss Federal Railway Freight Company、Austrian Railway Freight Company,and ErMewa、GATX and VTG's three European truck equipment companies。

  (Source: Institute of Science and Technology Information, China Railway Science Research Institute Group Co., Ltd.)

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