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Release time: 2024-03-27 [Font:Big Middle small]

     [Railway TechnologWebsite Report] Complex all -weather monitoring technology for railway infrastructure、It is easy to be destroyed and cost -effective,Turkish National Railway Company (TCDD) and Siemens Mobility Türkiye and German Railway System Technology Co., Ltd.,Decision to adopt an innovative method,That is the infrastructure continuous monitoring system (CIM)。This system installed ASC sensors on high -speed trains,Compared with real -time data collected by historical data with sensors,Actively identify future risks,Realized infrastructure maintenance and maintenance model from corrective maintenance to prediction and preventive maintenance transformation。

  Vlaro trains made for Turkey think that the ICE 3M/F high -speed trains made by German railway are prototypes,equipped 188bet mobile loginwith 188bet loginCIM system,Comprehensive surveillance can be performed at a speed of up to 300 kilometers per hour or even higher,Of course, the CIM system is also applicable to freight trains、Long -distance passenger transport and urban rail transit locomotive。The advantage of the CIM system is that it can automatically monitor and actively evaluate all components along the track,instead of reducing or parking,so as to realize predictiveness and preventive maintenance from corrective maintenance to data -driven。Compared with the use of special testing trains,Installing the CIM system can save up to 30%of the detection cost,and greatly reduce the cost of maintenance and maintenance,Improve operation quality。velaro thus not only becoming one of the fastest high -speed passenger trains,It has also become the most comprehensive detection train。

  In order to make CIM's innovative detection method play the expected effect,German Railway System Technology Company installed all the necessary measurement equipment on high -speed trains produced by Turkey,Except ASC sensor,It also includes the monitoring rail pillow density、Overhead line status、Equipment and various perception systems running the overall operation of the train。To measure the vibration in the high -speed operating environment of the train、Noise level、Corporation、contact force, etc.,German Railway System Technology Co., Ltd. integrates various ASC acceleration meters and gyroscope,All of the above sensors are directly embedded in the shaft box。During the monitoring and detection process,The sensor must be placed in a position that is close to the interaction of the rail as possible,188bet login188bet sports bettingTherefore, you can only use the strongest and durable component,These components must be able to resist huge mechanical power、impact、Noise、Temperature、humidity, etc.,and can provide stable measurement results for a long time。

  The vertical height is one of the most critical track geometric parameters that CIM systems need to measure,This value changes faster than other variables of the geometric parameters inside the track,and have a great impact on the quality of operation。The measurement value of the measurement acceleration meter based on the ASC OS series of capacitive acceleration meters,The vertical height is determined by a 2 cm interval,It has nothing to do with the speed of the train。According to EN13848-2,Sensor、amplifier、Maximum acceptable measurement uncertainty accumulated 188bet188bet sports bettingby algorithms and other factors is 0.5 mm。other key parameters that can be monitored continuously in the CIM system also include the orbital distortion calculated based on the gyroscope signal,and the dynamic alignment of the horizontal acceleration,The latter is used to evaluate railway roads and insulation joint status。other,CIM system can also evaluate the comfort of ride according to the measurement data of the acceleration sensor。For all the measurement parameters mentioned above,The technical team of the German Railway system needs to get a high degree of accurate results。

  Deban System Technology Company said,The CIM system has been applied to Germany for many years,I have accumulated rich infrastructure monitoring experience on the German road network。Derrace has been using the CIM system to continuously 188bet sports betting188bet mobile loginmonitor high -speed trains since 2013,Among them, ICE trains usually drive 1500 kilometers per day,IC2 double -layer train daily driving about 1200 kilometers。From 2018,Cim system starts to introduce ASC sensors,In the past five years,Trains with CIM systems have been installed nearly 3 million kilometers,ASC sensor runs smoothly。

  (Source: Institute of Science and Technology Information, China Railway Science Research Institute Group Co., Ltd.)

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