188bet online casino games

First Batch of Carbon 188bet online casino games Composite Lightweight Heavy-Duty Railway Freight Cars Rolled Out: People's Daily Overseas Edition


 188bet online casino games 

On September 10, China's first batch of carbon 188bet online casino games composite lightweight heavy-duty railway freight cars was rolled off the production line in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang. These cars weigh 18 tons and have a payload capacity of 82 tons. The project team developed advanced carbon 188bet online casino games-reinforced resin matrix composites specifically for heavy-duty railway freight cars, overcoming critical technological challenges such as the integrated manufacturing of large composite components. The new carbon 188bet online casino games composite material offers 3 to 5 times the specific strength and 1.5 to 1.8 times the specific modulus of aluminum alloys, better meeting the demands for lightweight and large-component production in heavy-duty railway freight cars. These features make the freight cars lighter, more energy-efficient and stronger, with improved environmental adaptability. Compared to similar aluminum alloy freight cars, the body weight of these new vehicles is reduced by more than 20%, resulting in lighter vehicle weight, increased load capacity and larger volume.


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