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2021 Final Accounts of Retired Cadres and Departments of China State 188bet Live Casino Group Co., Ltd.

Release time: 2022-08-25 [Font:Big small


  1. Basic situation

  II. 2021 Department Final 188bet Live Casino

  (1) Summary statement of income and 188bet Live Casino

  (2) 188bet Live Casino income statement

  (3) Expenditure 188bet Live Casino account

  (4) Summary of final 188bet Live Casino of fiscal appropriations, revenue and expenditures

  (5) General public budget financial appropriation expenditure 188bet Live Casino account

  (6) 188bet Live Casino account details of basic expenditures of general public budget fiscal appropriations

  (7) General public budget fiscal appropriation "three public expenditures" 188bet Live Casino account statement

  (8) 188bet Live Casino Account of Government Fund Budget and Fiscal Appropriation Revenue and Expenditure

  (9) 188bet Live Casino account of state-owned capital operating budget and fiscal appropriation expenditure

  3. Explanation of departmental final 188bet Live Casino in 2021

  4. Explanation of terms

  1. Basic situation

  The Retired Cadres Bureau of China State 188bet Live Casino Group Co., Ltd. is mainly responsible for the management of retired personnel of the company and the former Ministry of Railways、Work on policy guidance and other aspects of the management of retired cadres in the company's affiliated units。

  II. 2021 Department Final 188bet Live Casino







  Note: This unit does not use the “three public” 188bet Live Casino arranged by the general public budget,There is no data in this table。


  Note: This unit has no government fund income,There is no 188bet Live Casino arranged by government funds,There is no data in this table。


  Explanation: This unit does not use 188bet Live Casino arranged in the state-owned capital operating budget,There is no data in this table。

  3. Explanation of departmental final 188bet Live Casino in 2021

  (1) Overall description of the final 188bet Live Casino of income and expenditure

  Collected in 2021、Total 14,262.320,000 yuan。Compared to 2020,Receive、The total number of branches increased by 231.190,000 yuan,Increase 1.6%。

  (2) Explanation of final income 188bet Live Casino

  Total income this year 7,300.090,000 yuan,Among them: financial allocation revenue 4,155.540,000 yuan,Accounting for 56.9%;Other income 3,144.550,000 yuan,43.1%。

  (3) Explanation of final expenditure 188bet Live Casino

  Total 188bet Live Casino this year 7,098.760,000 yuan,All basic expenses。

  (4) Overall description of the final 188bet Live Casino of fiscal appropriation revenue and expenditure

  2021 fiscal appropriation collection、Total 11,091.020,000 yuan。Compared to 2020,Financial allocation collection、The total number of branches increases by 108.070,000 yuan,1% increase。

  (5) Explanation of the final 188bet Live Casino of general public budget financial appropriations

  2021 general public budget 188bet Live Casino 3,954.470,000 yuan,Accounting for 55% of the total annual expenditure.7%。Compared to 2020,Financial allocation expenditure decreased by 930,000 yuan,Decrease by 2.3%。The specific situation is as follows:

  1. Social security and employment 188bet Live Casino (category)2021 188bet Live Casino 3,866.470,000 yuan,Accounting for full-year financial allocationTotal expenses97.8%. in:

  (1) Pension expenses of administrative institutions (section) Retirement expenses of administrative units (item)2021 fiscal appropriation expenditure 3,632.330,000 yuan,The main reason why the final 188bet Live Casino are smaller than the budget at the beginning of the year is due to the natural attrition of retirees。

  (2) Pension expenses of administrative institutions (section) Retirement expenses of public institutions (item)2021 188bet Live Casino 234.130,000 yuan,99 completed the budget for the beginning of 2021.6%。

  2.Housing security 188bet Live Casino (category) Housing reform 188bet Live Casino (money) Rent increase subsidy (item)2021 188bet Live Casino 880,000 yuan,Accounting for 2% of the total annual 188bet Live Casino2%,Complete 100% of the budget for the beginning of 2021。

  (6) Explanation of the final 188bet Live Casino of basic expenditures of general public budget fiscal appropriations

  2021 general public budget fiscal appropriation basic 188bet Live Casino 3,954.470,000 yuan,Including: personnel expenses 3,752.090,000 yuan,Mainly includes: retirement pay、Retirement fee、Pension、Living allowance;Public funds 202.380,000 yuan,All expenses for other goods and services。

  (7) Explanation of the final 188bet Live Casino of general public budget fiscal appropriations for “three public affairs” expenditures

  There is no general public budget fiscal allocation for "three public 188bet Live Casino" in 2021。

  (8) Explanation of the final 188bet Live Casino of government fund budget and fiscal appropriation revenue and expenditure

  2021 Anarchy Fund Budget Fiscal Appropriation Revenue and 188bet Live Casino。

  (9) Explanation of the final 188bet Live Casino of state-owned capital operating budget and fiscal appropriations

  2021 188bet Live Casino for state-less capital operating budget。

  (10) Budget performance description

  There is no project 188bet Live Casino budget for 2021.

  (11) Description of other important matters

  1.188bet Live Casino for agency operation

  Inorganic operating expenses.

  2.Government procurement 188bet Live Casino

  No government procurement 188bet Live Casino.

  3.Possession of state-owned assets

  The existing administrative assets of this unit are all current assets,Refundable amount for bank deposits and finance。

  4. Explanation of terms

  (1) General public budget appropriation revenue: Refers to the funds allocated by the central government in the current year.

  (2) Other income: Refers to revenue excluding general public budget allocations、Business income、Income other than operating income, etc.。

  (3) Carryover and balance at the beginning of the year: refers to the previous year’s arrangement、Funds carried forward to this year and still used for the original purpose。

  (4) Social security and employment 188bet Live Casino (categories) Pension 188bet Live Casino of administrative institutions (sections) Retirement of administrative units、Retired from public institutions (item): Reflects 188bet Live Casino for retired personnel of administrative institutions.

  (5) Housing security 188bet Live Casino (category) Housing reform 188bet Live Casino (money) Rent increase subsidy (item)Reflects the standards stipulated in the housing reform policy,Rent subsidies issued by administrative institutions to employees (including retirees)。

  (6) Year-end carryover and balance:Refers to the funds carried forward to the next year or subsequent years by the unit for continued use in accordance with relevant regulations,Or the remaining funds generated after the project is completed。

  (7) Basic expenses: refers to ensuring the normal operation of the organization、Personnel expenses and public expenses incurred to complete daily work tasks。

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