In order to highlight the 188bet mobile difficulties under the new crown epidemic,Japanese Regional Railway Company launches original product called "Self-abuse",Not only unexpectedly became popular on the Internet,Also very popular。According to Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" report on the 8th,Shimabara Railway Co. launched a "deficit pen" that can only write red letters in November last year。This "deficit pen" sells for 550 yen (approximately 33 yuan),Shimabara Railway Company has prepared 5,000 pieces,But all sold out in less than two weeks。
Report said,Shimabara 188bet mobile Company’s revenue has dropped sharply since April last year。The company’s chairman Nagai Kazuhisa proposed an idea,That is, "something that can only be made by a company running a deficit",This is how the “deficit pen” was born。Many netizens left messages saying, “It’s really creative” and “Although it’s a bit masochistic,But great!”It is reported,A staff member of Shimabara 188bet mobile Company said,"In order to sell the 'black pen' which represents an increase in revenue as soon as possible,All employees will work together!”
In addition,The Choshi Electric Railway Co., Ltd. located in Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture has been in poor operating conditions since 2018,The company therefore launched a snack called "Bad Bar"。Due to the rust on the surface of the Choshi Electric Railway Company’s tram carriages,The company also specializes in adding mustard-flavored “bad sticks”。(The pronunciations of “rust” and “wasabi” are similar in 188bet mobile)