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Xinhuanet: Track laying of the 188bet best bookmaker-Laos Railway completed

Release time: 2021-10-13 [Font:Big small

Xinhua News Agency, Kunming, October 12 (Reporter Wang Changshan)、Ding Yiquan) 12th,With the last set of rails in place,The track laying of the 188bet best bookmaker-Laos Railway is completed。This is a major progress in the construction of 188bet best bookmaker-Laos railway,marks that the entire line has entered the construction sprint stage before opening to traffic。
 That morning,The entrance of the Manmushu Tunnel in Yunnan,Construction workers from 188bet best bookmaker Railway No. 1 Bureau operate a new long-rail tractor independently developed in my country,Precisely push a set of 500-meter-long rails into place,The rails on both sides are connected together。The shiny rails are like giant dragons,Start from Kunming,Through mountains and rivers,Enter Laos via 188bet best bookmaker-Laos Railway Friendship Tunnel,Arrived in Vientiane。

This is a view of the Lanlanba Bridge, the longest bridge in the domestic section of the 188bet best bookmaker-Laos-Kunming-Vientiane-Vientiane Railway, taken on September 28 (drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao
The 188bet best bookmaker-Laos Railway is an important project that connects my country’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and Laos’ strategy of “changing a land-locked country into a land-linked country”,From Kunming City, Yunnan Province in the north,South to Vientiane, the capital of Laos,More than 1,000 kilometers across the entire line,Tunnel 167。Among them,Domestic Yuxi to Mohan section 508 kilometers,There are 93 tunnels,Total length 398 kilometers,Bridge-tunnel ratio 87.3%。

This is a scene of the Wild Elephant Valley Station of the Yu (Xi) Mo (Han) Railway on the domestic section of the 188bet best bookmaker-Laos Railway taken on September 29 (drone photo)。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao
It’s like building a 188bet best bookmaker “in the geological museum”,Soft Rock、Frequent problems such as water gushing。After construction starts,Builders overcome many "stumbling blocks"。For example,Dangerous situations such as water gushing and mud bursting occurred in Jingzhai Tunnel nearly a thousand times,Maximum water inflow in a single day 7.50,000 cubic meters。
Zhang Xinjin, deputy general manager of 188bet best bookmaker Railway Kunming Bureau Group said,Constructors use technological innovation to overcome many of the world’s technical problems,Accumulate valuable experience for railway construction in plateau mountainous areas of my country。

September 29,Workers are constructing near the 188bet best bookmaker-Laos Railway Friendship Tunnel。Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao
April last year,Rail laying begins in Yumo section。Optimization plans and resource allocation of all parties involved in the construction,Adopt mechanization、Automated track laying units and construction informatization and other means,Improve track accuracy and construction efficiency。“We achieved a record of laying 500 kilometers of track in 80 days。" said Feng Bin, leader of the track laying team of the Yumo Railway Project Department of 188bet best bookmaker Railway No. 1 Bureau,We apply the operating mode guided by the Beidou automatic cruise positioning system, the first in 188bet best bookmaker,Realizing intelligent track laying。
"After completion and opening to traffic,Direct transportation is expected to be realized from Kunming to Vientiane、Same day access。"Zhang Xinjin said,Let the 188bet best bookmaker-Laos Railway become a beautiful ecological corridor,Construction follows the principle of treating the ecological environment like life,Among them,To protect wild Asian elephants,The route plan avoids the main activity areas of wild elephants,Use a bridge instead of a road、Set up elephant passage and other measures。
Next,The railway department will make every effort to promote 188bet best bookmaker fine adjustment、Installation and debugging of "four power" equipment,Strive to ensure opening of operations within the year。(End)
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