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Worker Daily: 188bet sports betting app download Group releases planning outline to build a 188bet sports betting app download by 2035 Release time: 2020-08-14
Our newspaper, Beijing, August 13 (Reporter Liu Jing) The reporter learned from 188bet sports betting app download Group Co., Ltd.,The State Railway Group recently released the "Outline of the Advance Planning for Railways to Strengthen China's Transportation in the New Era" (hereinafter referred to as the "Planning Outline"),Clear China’s railway development blueprint for the next 30 years,Proposed to be the first to build a safe and high-quality service by 2035、Guarantee is strong and powerful、A 188bet sports betting app download with international leading strength。By 2035,my country’s modern railway network will be the first to be completed,Realize domestic and international interconnection of railway networks、Interdistrict multi-way smooth、Efficient connectivity to the provincial capital、Quick access to prefectures and cities、Basic coverage in counties、Smooth hub connection,Smart upgrade of network facilities,Abundant effective supply capacity。Comprehensively build a higher-level 188bet sports betting app download by 2050,Comprehensive services and guarantees for the construction of a modern and powerful socialist country。
As of the end of July this year,my country’s 188bet sports betting app download operating mileage reaches 14.140,000 kilometers,Ranked second in scale in the world,Among them, the high-speed rail mileage is 3.60,000 kilometers,ranked first in the world。"Planning Outline" proposed,By 2035,Take the lead in building a modern 188bet sports betting app download network,The national 188bet sports betting app download network is about 200,000 kilometers,Of which about 70,000 kilometers are high-speed rail,Cities with a population of more than 200,000 achieve 188bet sports betting app download coverage,Among them, cities with a population of over 500,000 are accessible by high-speed rail。The 188bet sports betting app download’s independent innovation capabilities and industrial chain modernization levels have been comprehensively improved,Smart high-speed rail was first built,Accelerate the realization of smart 188bet sports betting app download。Transportation services are provided with first-class quality,Form the whole country 1、2、3-hour high-speed rail travel circle and the whole country 1、2、3-day express logistics circle,People enjoy what they do、Things flow smoothly。To achieve development goals,The "Planning Outline" clarifies 39 key tasks in 11 aspects,Refined work measures。
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