188bet app download Group Co., Ltd. recently issued the "Outline of the Advanced Railway Planning for a Strong Transportation Power in the New Era",Clearly put forward the development goal of “first-class 188bet app download”,Provide high-quality and efficient transportation services through innovation,By 2035, the efficient full-service service system and high-quality product supply system will be more complete,1 nationwide、2、3-hour high-speed rail travel circle and the whole country 1、2、3-day express cargo logistics circle is fully formed,People enjoy what they do、Things flow smoothly,Safe and high quality、People are satisfied。
Innovative high-quality and efficient 188bet app download,To build a comfortable and fast passenger transport service system。Developing service smart projects,Building 12306 smart service information system,Create a one-stop all-in-one travel service ecological chain,Realizing travel as a service。Promote service convenience project,Promote electronic tickets、Swipe your face to enter and exit the station、Insensitive payment、No sense security check、Convenient and smooth services such as integrated inspection and intelligent guidance,Optimize the waiting and transfer process,Improving the barrier-free travel service system。Create a service satisfaction project,Enhance market awareness and immediate response capabilities of service supply,Establish and improve service quality standards and evaluation index system。Implement service brand project,In-depth implementation of high-speed rail service brand strategy,Upgrade one-day round trip、Xifa Chaozhi and other brand advantages,Famous as China’s railway service brand。
Innovative high-quality and efficient 188bet app download,We must develop an intensive and efficient freight logistics system。Build a nationwide railway logistics service network,Accelerate people、goods、Car、Digitization of all elements and processes including fields、Networked and efficient matching,Develop unmanned smart stations,Promote freight loading and unloading operations and logistics warehousing、Intelligent loading and unloading equipment and stowage。Deepen the "door-to-door" full logistics service model,Vigorously develop railway container transportation,Improving the development level of professional logistics,Efficient connection of construction facilities、Information Internet Sharing、Uniform equipment standards、One order to the end、Multimodal transport system for quick reloading and transshipment。Developing “external integration and internal distribution、Green intermodal transport” modern green logistics system。Improving the 95306 freight service information system,Building a smart public information service platform,Realize online acceptance、Tracking query、Electronic bill、Settlement Processing、One-stop service such as goods delivery and customer management。
Innovative high-quality and efficient 188bet app download,We need to expand services into new formats, new models, and new areas。Deepening railways and tourism、Integrated development of culture and other industries,Innovative travel trains and other customized products。Develop high-speed rail + aviation、High-speed rail + shared car and other intermodal transport services,Addition of high-speed rail trackless station。Cultivation Intercity、New urban (suburban) market,Improving government purchase service policies and market-oriented operation mechanisms,Expanding the scale of short- and medium-distance passenger transport market。Develop fast freight and high-speed rail express,Strengthening the organic connection between railway transportation and distribution at both ends,Improving hub express distribution service functions。Relying on 12306、95306 Platform and Railway Big Data Center,Deepening the dual network integration of railway network and Internet,Develop railway digital economy and network economy。Promote the integrated development of railways and modern logistics,Developing Internet + efficient logistics,Promote the transformation of railway freight into a comprehensive logistics service provider。
The blueprint has been drawn,The time is right to struggle。We must earnestly shoulder the historical mission of pioneering railways in a transportation power,Maintain strategic focus,Seize the initiative for development,Innovative high-quality and efficient 188bet app download,Promote the supply-side structural reform of railway transportation to achieve high-quality development。