188bet app download Media Focus<,Hot topics<,>188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino>188bet app download Media Focus<,Hot topics<,>188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and>188bet online live casino Railway News Series Commentary:
Part 5 of the People’s 188bet sports betting app download News Series Commentary: Building efficient and effective operating strength Release time: 2020-08-18
Transportation 188bet sports betting app download、Resource allocation 188bet sports betting app download、Capital operation 188bet sports betting app download continues to improve,Market size、The quality of business development continues to improve,Main transportation economic indicators remain world-leading,Main operating 188bet sports betting app download indicators rank among the top in the world,National Railway Capital becomes stronger, better and bigger,The State Railway Group has become a world-class enterprise - the "Outline of the Advanced Railway Planning for a Powerful Country in the New Era" explains in detail the development goal of "better operational 188bet sports betting app download and benefits"。Make this happen,We must cultivate efficient and effective operating capabilities,Build a solid “chassis” for high-quality development。
Thick cultivation of efficient and effective operating strength,To promote 188bet sports betting app download changes。Compilation of innovative train diagram,Improving the level of dispatching and command,Optimize transportation product structure,Promote the integration and complementarity of Gaopu,Efficient allocation of transportation resources,Accurately matching market demand。Promote high-speed rail to meet standards and speed up,Shorten tracking time,Optimizing the travel plan,Increase bank density。Deeply tap potential and improve 188bet sports betting app download,Improving the quality and 188bet sports betting app download of general customer service。Implementing speed increase of freight trains,Optimize station production organization,Development heavy load direct、Advanced transportation organization methods such as direct trains,Implement passenger car operation management,Improve the 188bet sports betting app download of whole-process delivery。Improving the efficient utilization mechanism of mobile equipment and facilities,Improve usage 188bet sports betting app download and maintenance 188bet sports betting app download。Deepen the reform of production organization and labor organization,Strengthen fine and lean management,Promote smart and advanced methods,Optimize human resource allocation,Improve labor productivity,Improve material management 188bet sports betting app download。
Thick cultivation of efficient and effective operating strength,To be stronger, better and bigger in our main business。Deepen the structural reform of the transportation supply side,Expand the effective supply of products,Innovative marketing system,Strengthen the cultivation of new line markets,Improve operational management level,Promote railway transportation, revenue and 188bet sports betting app download,The formation of several railway transportation enterprise groups with operating income of hundreds of billions of yuan,Building a solid "chassis" for railway operation and development。Toward fine management、Technological progress、Reform and innovation require 188bet sports betting app download and effectiveness,Benchmarking high-quality development requirements,Highlight transportation 188bet sports betting app download、Operation 188bet sports betting app download and other indicators assessment guide,Deepen expenditure and reduce consumption、Improve quality and 188bet sports betting app download,Take multiple measures to reduce railway construction、Operation、Yangwei、Finance and other costs,Continuously improve the level of transportation operation and development。
Thick cultivation of efficient and effective operating strength,To improve the level of business development。About business travel services、Logistics and commerce、Engineering Construction、R&D and manufacturing、Network information、Finance, insurance and comprehensive land development and other fields,In-depth promotion of asset specialization、Intensive and large-scale operation and development,Create several businesses with revenue exceeding tens of billions、Non-transportation business sector exceeding 100 billion yuan,Increase the proportion of non-transportation industry revenue and the level of revenue generation and 188bet sports betting app download。Promote asset capitalization、Equitization and securitization,Promote the stock reform and listing of high-quality assets and the refinancing of listed companies,Actively and steadily promote the mixed ownership reform of national railway enterprises,Implementing market-oriented debt-for-equity swap,Optimize capital layout and debt structure,Improve capital allocation 188bet sports betting app download and operational 188bet sports betting app download,Enlarging the function and value of capital。Promote the deep integration of national railway capital and capital market,Create a group of outstanding railway listed companies。
Great dreams are spelled out、Done it。We must keep in mind the mission entrusted by the times,With the determination and tenacity of "Unless Loulan is broken, it will never be returned",Turn the grand blueprint drawn up in the "Outline of the Advanced Railway Planning for a Powerful Transportation Country in the New Era" into effective practice,Strive to strengthen shortcomings and weaknesses、Building potential for development,Continuously improve the capital 188bet sports betting app download and effectiveness of the National Railway,Promote high-quality railway development,Making new contributions to serving the national strategy and economic and social development。
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