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People’s Railway News Series Commentary No. 6: Improving the level of sustainable and reliable 188bet game development Release time: 2020-08-19
188bet game work is always the top priority in all railway work。The "Outline of the Advanced Railway Planning for a Powerful Transportation Country in the New Era" recently issued clearly states the development goal of "sustained and stable railway transportation 188bet game"。To achieve this development goal,We must firmly adhere to the political red line and professional bottom line of railway 188bet game,Strive to improve the level of sustainable and reliable 188bet game development。
The level of 188bet game production management must be improved。We must firmly establish the concept of safe development,Strengthen red line awareness,Stick to the bottom line of 188bet game,Strengthen and improve civil defense、Physical Defense、Technical and Defense "Trinity" Security Guarantee System,Deepening the base and meeting the standards,Be strict and pragmatic and focus on the grassroots、Laying the foundation、Strong Basics;Strengthen the 188bet game responsibility system,Improving the 188bet game production responsibility system for all employees,Strict accountability for production 188bet game;Improving the legal governance system,Improving production 188bet game regulations and standards,Improving the 188bet game investment guarantee mechanism;Improving the prevention and control system,Promote the construction of double 188bet game prevention mechanism,Strengthen the pass and move it forward、Source governance、Scientific prevention and precise security;Strengthening major 188bet game key control measures,Improve response, prevention and control capabilities;Administer railway 188bet game environment according to law,Improving the comprehensive management linkage mechanism,Implement the responsibilities of all parties,Carry out road protection and management in accordance with the law,Work together to build a safe railway。
The intrinsic 188bet game of facilities and equipment must be ensured。It is necessary to improve railway infrastructure and equipment 188bet game technical standards and specifications,Improve the life cycle security of critical facilities、Reliability、Durability and 188bet game protection、Quick repair capability;Improve railway engineering construction quality management system,Constructing quality railway projects,Ensuring the quality and 188bet game of project construction,Ensuring the high-quality opening and operation of new lines in accordance with the law;Implement the lifelong responsibility system for quality and 188bet game,Improve railway quality standard management and punishment system for quality breach of trust,Strictly control the source supply quality and intrinsic 188bet game of facilities and equipment products;Deepen the reform of repair process,Establish and improve the maintenance and evaluation standard system for facilities and equipment,Promote full life cycle cloud intelligent health management,Improve maintenance and repair specialization、Intensification、Precision、Intelligence and manufacturing integration level。
We must strengthen Xing’an’s strong security capabilities。It is necessary to increase the application of intelligent detection and monitoring 188bet game assurance technology,Improve running status self-awareness、Equipment fault self-diagnosis、Guiding the level of safe self-decision-making;Increase big data、Applications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence,Enhanced security data and issues、Integrated management of operating status and performance rules、Intelligent analysis and early warning capabilities;Strengthen the construction of 188bet game protection projects along the line,Building an intelligent monitoring system integrating air, space and ground vehicles,Construction natural disasters and foreign object invasion restrictions、Perimeter intrusion intelligent monitoring and early warning system,Real-time interaction of key monitoring and warning information on the train and with train control、Dispatching and command system interconnection;Improving the natural disaster prevention and control system,Enhancing railway disaster prevention and reduction capabilities;Exploring the application of automation in 188bet game-critical and high-risk work positions、Mechanization、Intelligent technology,Promote unattended positions at manned posts、Remote monitoring,Reduce labor intensity,Reduce labor employment,Prevent security risks。
188bet game emergency response and rescue capabilities must be improved。Establish and improve the 188bet game emergency management system and mechanism、Regulations and plans system;Accelerate the construction of the national 188bet game rescue base and the construction of a professional emergency rescue team,Strengthen special training and normalized emergency drills,Develop new technical equipment for high-speed rail rescue,Improving the professional technical and equipment level of the rescue team,Strengthening the research and application of emergency rescue technology under special extreme circumstances;Establish and improve the emergency linkage mechanism,Strengthening social coordination capabilities,Constructing efficient reactions、Three-dimensional linkage emergency rescue system,Improve emergency response capabilities and emergency rescue levels。
Embark on a new journey,We must continue to make efforts in the development of railway 188bet game,Promote transportation 188bet game to be among the best in the world,Provide effective and powerful 188bet game support to take the lead in building a modern railway power,Earnestly shoulder the responsibility of becoming a transportation power、The railway’s first mission。
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