188bet app download Media Focus<,Hot topics<,>188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and social development,>188bet app download Media Focus<,Hot topics<,>188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and social development,>188bet online live casino Railway News Series Commentary:
No. 10 of People’s 188bet Live Casino News Series Commentary: Expand open cooperation space for mutual benefit and win-win results Release time: 2020-08-24
  In recent years,Our country adheres to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits,Comprehensively promote policy communication、Facility Connectivity、Unimpeded trade、Financial Financing、People-to-people bonds,Injecting new impetus into world economic growth,Opening up new space for global development。The "Outline of the Advanced Railway Planning for a Powerful Transport Country in the New Era" was issued 188bet online live casino under this background,Make "expanding open cooperation space for mutual benefit and win-win" one of the main tasks of China's railway development in the next 30 years,Let 188bet Live Casino become an important promoter of world railway development and an important participant in the formulation of global railway rules。
  Expand open cooperation space for mutual benefit and win-win results,The important role of the strategic corridor of China-Europe freight trains needs to be further brought into play。Currently,China-Europe freight trains have developed into a landmark achievement of the “Belt and Road” construction。Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia,Sea transport、Air transportation is blocked by many parties,China-Europe trains at full capacity,Fully loaded 188bet online live casino with anti-epidemic supplies to aid Europe,A total of 5122 trains were opened in the first half of this year,A record high。Currently,The operation scope of China-Europe freight trains has been expanded to 21 countries in Europe,Formed brand building、Transportation Organization、Price Management、Business Services、Domestic and overseas coordination mechanism、Security Management、Indicator evaluation and other whole-chain organizational system。We must conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Planning Outline",Comprehensively promote the high-quality development of China-Europe freight trains,Also refer to the China-Europe freight train model,Uniformly organize the launch of the New Land-Sea Corridor trains,188bet Live Casino Provide strong guarantee for the construction of “One Belt, One Road”。
  Expand open cooperation space for mutual benefit and win-win results,Need to cooperate more efficiently with neighbors and friends。my country’s railways need to more actively promote railway infrastructure interconnection with neighboring countries,Building in a systematic manner、Intensive operation、Market-oriented operation、Facilitated services、International development as the goal,Cultivation of a hub city for train trains,Cooperate to build overseas hub nodes,Optimize train operation routes,Promote transit gathering and consolidation,Improve overseas business network,Deepen multi-level and multi-field cooperation,Establish a unified rule system,Play the role of China-Europe freight train 188bet Live Casino joint working group and international coordination mechanism,Commonly compress the transportation time limit、Improve transportation efficiency。
  Expand open cooperation space for mutual benefit and win-win results,Need to take further steps to go out。On the one hand,To host or participate in high-level international 188bet Live Casino exchange activities,Strengthen international 188bet Live Casino exchanges, mutual learning and external publicity,Build, discuss and build together、A shared and win-win regional multilateral cooperation platform,Contribute Chinese wisdom to the construction of the global multilateral governance system。On the other hand,We must give full play to the China-Laos 188bet Live Casino、The demonstration and leading role of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed 188bet Live Casino “Belt 188bet and Road” landmark project,Promote the all-round and high-quality 188bet Live Casino going global,Not only brings new technologies and new momentum for economic development to the local area,And accelerate the internationalization of China’s 188bet Live Casino technical standards,Enhancing the right to speak in international 188bet Live Casino organizations,Interpreting and demonstrating the responsibility of China Railways。
  The voyage of history is magnificent,The tide of the times is rushing。Transportation power、188bet Live Casino first needs to expand open cooperation space for mutual benefit and win-win results,Adhere to open development、The road to mutual benefit and win-win,Provide Chinese wisdom for world 188bet Live Casino development、China Plan、188bet sports betting China Power,Making new contributions to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。
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