188bet Live Casino

Shenyang Bureau Group 188bet Live Casino: Set off a craze for learning and gather strength for progress

Release time: 2024-09-06 [Font:Big small

In recent days,China Railway Shenyang Bureau 188bet Live Casino Co., Ltd. regards studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee as its current primary political task,Quickly promote the study, publicity and implementation work、Effective expansion,Effectively unify the thoughts and actions of cadres and workers into the spirit of the plenary session,Gather wisdom and strength into the goals and tasks set by the plenary session。
Act quickly,Organizational Learning Discussion。After the closing of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,The Party Committee of Shenyang Bureau Group 188bet Live Casino passed the study of the Party Committee Central Group、The first issue of the party committee and other forms,Organize two levels of leadership to learn and understand the spirit of the plenary session,Carry out discussions and exchanges based on actual conditions,In-depth study and understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of new thoughts on comprehensively deepening reforms、New perspectives、New conclusion,Accurately grasp the correct direction of further comprehensively deepening the reform of railways,Study and formulate key tasks for the reform of bureau group companies。They will introduce and interpret the press conference on the spirit of the plenary session、The editorials of "People's Daily" etc. serve as study materials for the central group of the Party Committee,Guide leading cadres at all levels to play a leading role in learning, understanding and practice;Incorporate the spirit of studying the plenary session into the political learning content of employees,Guide cadres and workers to conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the plenary session,Consciously unify thoughts and actions with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the plenary session and the spirit of the plenary session。
Carefully deployed,Create a publicity atmosphere。Shenyang Bureau 188bet Live Casino Corporation seriously studies and formulates work measures to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the plenary session,Determine a batch of key topics for interpretation,Organization writing theoretical articles,Through "Sending Classes to the Next Line"、Organizing training courses and other forms,Promote the spirit of the plenary session to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people;Producing 6 issues of theoretical micro-course on "Accelerating the Construction of "Six Modernization Systems",Guide cadres and workers to improve their ideological understanding、Bravely undertake the mission。They also set up special columns on all media platforms,Promptly promote the unique practices of each unit,Organize grassroots units to use promotional showcases、Big screen in the workplace、WeChat platform and other carriers create a strong atmosphere。
Combination of learning and application,Pay close attention to implementation。Revolving around the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee on deepening the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises,Shenyang Bureau 188bet Live Casino Corporation promotes the implementation of the "Implementation Plan for the Reform, Deepening and Improvement of National Railway Enterprises",Establish a business philosophy centered on profit and loss,Deepen the structural reform of the transportation supply side,Contribute to consolidating and enhancing the positive economic recovery;In-depth implementation of the overall national security concept,Establish a strong safety awareness,Accelerate the construction of security system,Strictly implement railway safety work during flood season;Conscientiously implement the requirements for the development of new productive forces,Accelerate the construction of scientific and technological innovation system,Integrated promotion of information system unification and information resource integration,Improve basic business digital capabilities;Implement the requirements of unswervingly consolidating and developing the public ownership economy,Promote integrated management of transportation and non-transportation industries,Promote operation and management to a new level。
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