
Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of New 188bet Railway Achievements Report Freight Chapter——
The iron dragon gallops to smooth the road, full of hope and benefiting people’s livelihood

Release time: 2024-09-25 [Font:Big small

The sound of bagpipes breaks through the sky, and the rolling wheels carry good news.
Goods sent、Indicators such as turnover volume rank first in the world,The construction of modern railway logistics system is accelerated...Golden Autumn Season,Railway 188bet delivers outstanding results,Highlights the strong strength of my country’s railway 188bet,Injecting strong impetus into my country’s economic development。
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of 188bet,188bet State Railway Group Co., Ltd. conscientiously implements the central government’s adjustment of transportation structure、Decision-making and deployment to increase railway freight volume,Give full play to the advantages of the national railway "one network" and the institutional mechanism of centralized and unified dispatching command,Continue to deepen the supply-side structural reform of railway transportation,Optimize freight product supply,Improve freight capacity and efficiency,Promoted my country’s railways to achieve a historic transformation from bottleneck-constrained transportation to gradually adaptive transportation,Providing strong support to ensure the smooth operation of the national economy and the production and life of the people,Making positive contributions to fighting the battle against pollution, especially winning the battle to defend the blue sky。
Deepen the adjustment of 188bet structure and promote "road-to-rail" 188bet
August 11, 17:16,With the sound of bagpipes from 188bet train 41312,A container train loaded with soybeans slowly drove out from Shaodong Station in Hunan,marks that inter-provincial bulk cargo transportation in Shaodong area has officially entered the era of "road-to-rail"。This is an important step in the adjustment of the logistics and transportation structure of Shaodong and even Hunan Province,For promoting green development、Improving logistics efficiency has far-reaching significance。
Clear water and green mountains are mountains of gold and silver。188bet Railway gives full play to the advantages of green and environmentally friendly railway transportation,Adjust transportation structure,Intensify efforts to transfer bulk cargoes such as coal from road to rail,Optimize railway freight production organization at the same time,Realize the gradual shift of railway freight from traditional bulk cargo to bulk cargo、Transformation of common development of high value-added goods。Since 2012,National Railway completed cargo shipment volume 417.9.4 billion tons,The increase in freight turnover by national railways is compared with the same turnover achieved by roads,The cumulative reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is approximately 29.87 million tons。
Time engraves the growth rings,Achievement Witness Mission Responsibilities。Deepening the adjustment of transportation structure、On the road of promoting "road-to-rail" transportation,The 188bet is always in action——
Vigorously develop multimodal transport,Promote transportation structure adjustment。The 188bet further strengthens its connection with local governments and key enterprises,At the same time, strengthen the organization of rail-water transport,Promote key coastal ports、Inland river port container rail-water combined transport volume increases。
Optimizing the construction, operation and management of dedicated 188bet lines,Improving the collection and distribution system。The 188bet fully supports local enterprises in building special 188bet lines,And expand the sharing scope of dedicated 188bet lines,Reduction and exemption of 188bet dedicated line service charges,Promote traffic online。Currently,There are 7710 dedicated 188bet lines in total,About 80% of goods arrive and depart on dedicated 188bet lines,Effectively reduces logistics costs。
Implementation of railway 188bet network improvement project,Improve cargo transportation capacity。The railway scientifically formulates an implementation plan for the railway 188bet network capacity improvement project,Open traffic network congestion points,At the same time, accelerate the advancement of the national multimodal transport demonstration project along the Yangtze River,Actively promote the facilitation of customs clearance at railway ports,Further improving the efficiency of cross-border cargo flow。
With the continuous advancement of the "road-to-rail" project,Steel 188bet lines have become green and environmentally friendly ecological roads,To win the battle to defend the blue sky、Help achieve the “double carbon” goal and continue to empower。
Guaranteeing the 188bet of key materials,Serve the smooth operation of the national economy
8.5 billion tons! Daqin 188bet makes history again.
July 31,The sound of bagpipes,A heavy-haul train loaded with thermal coal slowly leaves Hudong Station,The cumulative 188bet volume of Daqin Railway exceeds 8.5 billion tons。This is the world’s highest record for single railway 188bet volume。
I don’t know how difficult things are until they have happened,Success is easy but difficult。Over the years,188bet Railway Group takes the initiative to assume political and social responsibilities,Strongly and effectively guarantee the national public welfare transportation and key material transportation tasks。
Look at the coal transportation organization,Scientific planning of the overall pattern of coal transportation by 188bet,Further increase the number of direct bulk cargo trains,Still going to an area where the return supply is relatively stable,Actively organize and launch "re-start" circular trains,The delivery speed of goods and the efficiency of undercarriage utilization are further improved。First half of 2024,National 188bet Coal Daily Average Loading 8.140,000 cars、Average daily loading of thermal coal 5.830,000 cars,A year-on-year increase of 21% compared to 2012.3%、36.5%。
Look at oil again、Fertilizers and pesticides、Grain、Transportation of key materials for national economy and people’s livelihood such as flood prevention and disaster relief,The 188bet opens a green channel,Give capacity tilt,Implement priority transportation、Priority for loading、Priority for shipment,Ensuring efficient delivery of materials。
Logistics flow,Cargo Xing。Heavy-haul transportation represents the advanced direction of railway 188bet development,While ensuring the transportation of key materials,The railway continues to make efforts in the field of heavy-haul transportation。
——Vigorously develop heavy-load transportation,Expand the scale of heavy-duty lines,The Haoji Railway was built successively、Wari Railway and a number of 188bet trunk railways,Built an advanced and efficient collection and distribution system。
——Optimizing the heavy-haul train operation plan,Vigorously launch “point-to-point” heavy-duty unit trains,Coordinate and promote the adaptive transformation of 10,000-ton trains on dedicated 188bet lines,Further promote the capacity of 188bet heavy-haul transportation and other transportation modes、Effective connection in supporting services and other aspects。
Splendid mountains and rivers,People’s happiness is the warmest background。The railway insists on putting the people at the center,Through a series of powerful and effective 188bet initiatives,Highlights the “iron responsibility” of smooth flow of goods and ensuring people’s livelihood。
Accelerate the construction of modern 188bet logistics system,Reduce logistics costs for the whole society
40 188bet logistics centers spread across the country、599 sales departments each perform their own responsibilities...the ever-expanding 188bet logistics touch points and a new business management model、Flexible market operation mechanism,Promote the transformation of traditional 188bet from "station to station" to "door to door" full logistics service,Becomes a vivid epitome of accelerating the construction of modern 188bet logistics system。
The State Railway Group continues to deepen the 188bet market-oriented reform,Accelerate the transformation and development of railway 188bet to modern logistics,Steady increase in railway transportation volume、Expand market share,Help reduce logistics costs for the whole society,Serve the real economy and the people more effectively and effectively。
——The reform of the freight organization system continues to deepen。188bet Railway Group systematically reshapes the existing railway freight organization system,40 logistics centers have been established across the country in accordance with the principle of “one province, one center”,Formed to expand the railway logistics market、The overall synergy of serving the real economy。
——188bet service quality continues to improve。The railway vigorously develops full logistics,Launch of logistics financial services,Actively explore the "one-order" transportation of rail-water intermodal transport,And developed and put into use the 188bet 95306 system,Realizing online handling of railway 188bet business,Significantly improve 188bet capacity and efficiency。
——Innovation and upgrade of 188bet logistics equipment。The 188bet took the lead in establishing a multimodal transport system for 35-ton wide domestic trade containers that complies with national standards,And continue to improve the standardized container equipment system,Serving the development of new energy industry,Successfully solved the 188bet transportation safety problem of new energy vehicles and consumer lithium batteries。
——The layout of logistics bases and 188bet stations is gradually optimized。The railway is closely connected with the national logistics hub master plan,At the same time, vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of 188bet stations,Accelerate the implementation of logistics function enhancement,Actively adapt to modern logistics needs。
Things that benefit the people,Sifa must be happy。188bet seizes development opportunities,Create a domestic fast logistics brand with heart、Specialized professional logistics,Promote the realization of the beautiful vision of smooth flow of materials。
High-speed rail express brand、Duolian Express Logistics Brand... Domestic express logistics brands have significantly improved the quality of logistics services。
Rural Logistics、Cold chain logistics、Commodity automobile logistics、Special logistics...a series of distinctive professional logistics meet diversified 188bet needs。
Develop a topic,Reform making a fuss。The 188bet continues to accelerate the construction of a modern logistics system,Take practical actions to reduce logistics costs for the whole society、Contributed to the development of the real economy。
Time engraved dreams,Struggle creates glory。The clarion call of the times has sounded to open up broad prospects for Chinese-style modernization by further comprehensively deepening reforms,188bet Railway will focus on improving quality, increasing energy and creating efficiency,Continue to promote the transformation and development of railway freight to modern logistics,Provide strong support to serve and ensure Chinese-style modernization and the implementation of major national strategies!
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