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Harbin 188bet mobile Group Company: Fulfill annual business goals and tasks with hard work

Release time: 2024-09-27 [Font:Big small

The wind is rising and the sails are sailing,The journey is like a rainbow。Last days,China Railway Harbin 188bet mobile Group Co., Ltd. regards learning, understanding and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party as a major political task at present and in the future,Organize and carry out publicity,Focus on system planning,Pay close attention to implementation,Guide all cadres and workers to truly unify their thoughts and actions into the spirit of the plenary session,Gather wisdom and strength to ensure the achievement of annual work goals。
After the plenary session,Harbin 188bet mobile Group Corporation quickly formulated arrangements for the spiritual propaganda of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,Based on audience,Compile separate outlines for the spirit of the plenary session,And formed the backbone of the covering 188bet mobile group company、Grassroots、First line、Party School、The 188bet mobile Group Company Propaganda Team composed of 7 teams including the "Qingma" Propaganda Rapporteur。Members of the leadership team of Harbin 188bet mobile Group Company immediately went to the contact point unit to conduct face-to-face propaganda,Key publicity rapporteurs went deep into Harbin within the administration、Qiqihar、Mudanjiang、Jiamusi、Hyrule、Propaganda in key areas such as Daqing。All units are open to party members and cadres、Employee mass group,Extensively carry out focus style、Interpretation、Interactive presentation,Ensure full coverage。Official WeChat public account of Harbin 188bet mobile Group Company "Harbin Railway Home"、"Harbin Railway News" and "Harbin Railway News" timely release the general ideas and requirements for the work of the 188bet mobile Group Company in the second half of the year。All departments and units work together,Mainly responsible for comrades benchmarking and implementing the overall ideas deployed by China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.、Reform tasks and implementation plan,Closely linked to development reality,Organize in person、Personally study the specific tasks and detailed measures of this department and unit,Conscientiously study the reform measures、Defined、Good implementation。As of now,Harbin 188bet mobile Group Company has given 11 lectures、More than 2,000 party members and cadres are the grassroots audience。
Further comprehensively deepening the reform of the national railway enterprises is a fundamental step、System engineering for long-term benefits,All departments and units of Harbin 188bet mobile Group Company comprehensively strengthen organizational leadership,Reform matters that have been identified,Reforms are in place on schedule, item by item;Intensify research on the work plan for the newly deployed reform tasks,Promote implementation in an orderly and vigorous manner;Establish and improve clear rights and responsibilities、Chain complete、A top-down reform promotion mechanism,Incorporate the implementation of reforms into political supervision、Key points of routine inspections and audits,Intensify supervision and supervision,Ensure effective results。
Expressions of the majority of cadres and workers,We must consciously unify our thoughts and actions with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the deployment of the plenary session,Profoundly understand and grasp the theme of further comprehensively deepening the reform、Major principles、Major measures、Basic Guarantee,Use hard work to achieve annual business goals and tasks。
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