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The flower of national unity and 188bet online casino games is blooming more and more brilliantly

——Record of Kunming Bureau Group Company actively carrying out demonstration and creation of national unity and 188bet online casino games

Release time: 2024-10-15 [Font:Big small

Entering Ning'er Station,You can see rich local ethnic characteristics everywhere、Cultural elements such as scenery features。In the passenger gathering area in the waiting hall,National 188bet online casino games cultural wall with the theme of “Holding together like pomegranate seeds”、Small booth for ethnic cultural and creative products,Let tourists of all ethnic groups feel the warm atmosphere of the Chinese nation。
September 24,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in reply to the letter encouraging Pu’er National Unity Pledge to represent future generations,People of all ethnic groups must keep in mind the consciousness of the Chinese nation’s community、Integrate into the blood,Together we will defend the territory of our motherland、Build a better home together,Let the flower of national unity and 188bet online casino games bloom more and more brilliantly。
In recent years,China Railway Kunming Bureau Group Co., Ltd. deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions on railway work,Implement the deployment requirements of the party group of China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.,Combined with the fact that Yunnan Province has the largest number of permanent residents in the country、The province with the most ethnic autonomous areas and the fact that more than 90% of the lines within its jurisdiction are distributed in Yunnan Province,Highlight "Fire Red Pomegranate Seeds、The theme of "one nation, one family",Solidly promote the creation of the “2426” national unity and 188bet online casino games demonstration,To build the jade mill section of the China-Laos Railway、Lixiang Railway’s two national unity and 188bet online casino games demonstration lines,Building Kunming to Lijiang、Kunming to Xishuangbanna、Kunming to Shangri-La、4 pairs of national unity and 188bet online casino games demonstration trains from Kunming to Hekou North,Build Kunming Station、Xishuangbanna Station、Honghe Station、Ning'er Station、Mojiang Station and other 26 national unity and 188bet online casino games demonstration stations,Let people of all ethnic groups move from the end of the border to the frontier of openness along the steel artery,Let the flowers of national unity and 188bet online casino games bloom along the Yunnan Qianli Railway。
  Plant the fertile soil of happiness
The China-Laos railway passes through the Hani people、Yi Nationality、Lahu tribe、Wa、The Dai and other Pu'er ethnic groups' unity oath and monument represent the areas where future generations live。Last days,The general secretary’s reply to the Pu’er National Unity Pledge Monument and the Oath on behalf of future generations aroused strong repercussions among the cadres and workers of the China-Laos Railway,Everyone expressed that they must study the spirit of replying seriously,Keep in mind your instructions,Effectively maintain and operate the China-Laos Railway,Be a good "recipient",Keep the sense of community of the Chinese nation in your heart,Integrate into the blood,Cultivation of fertile soil for national unity and 188bet online casino games。
September 27,More than 30 employees of the Pu’er depot of Kunming Bureau Group Company working on the China-Laos Railway,Use your off-duty time to come to the national 188bet online casino games oath monument located in the National 188bet online casino games Park of Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er City,Revisited the oath erected by representatives of all ethnic groups、The touching history of solemnly promising to follow the Party with one heart and one mind。
"The China-Laos Railway is an important infrastructure and popular means of transportation in ethnic minority areas,After the opening of this railway,Pu’er Station is full of passengers,Very popular among people of all ethnic groups along the route。" Yin Zhaoliang, station manager of Pu'er Railway Station of Pu'er Depot said,Carry out demonstration and creation of national unity and 188bet online casino games on the China-Laos Railway,To promote the common unity and struggle of all ethnic groups、Common prosperity and development,Plays an extremely important role in promoting the economic and social development of ethnic minority areas。
“More than 70 years ago,35 representatives from Ning’er District, Yunnan Province walking、Horse riding、Sitting on the slider、Sitting on a bamboo raft、By car,It took a month to arrive in Kunming,Then take a flight to Beijing to celebrate the first National Day of New China。”Pu’er National 188bet online casino games Oath Monument and Alliance Oath represent future generations、Fang Caibing, the volunteer interpreter of Pu’er National 188bet online casino games Oath Monument,Today,Pu'er National 188bet online casino games Oath Monument and Oath on behalf of future generations Take the China-Laos Railway train from Ning'er,Just over 2 hours to reach Kunming,Big changes,Make people happy。
According to statistics,Since the China-Laos 188bet online casino games was opened to traffic on December 3, 2021,As of September 30 this year,Pu’er Station has sent a total of 479 passengers.60,000 people,Ning'er Station has sent a total of 95 passengers.10,000 people,188bet online casino games has become the preferred means of transportation for people of all ethnic groups in ethnic areas。
Based on the fact that passengers of all races often travel by train in the tube,Ning'er Station established an ethnic service team,Provide personalization、Differentiated services,Build the station into a bridge that promotes exchanges and integration among 188bet online casino games。
"Carry forward the glorious traditions of our ancestors,Better continue the story of the oath monument,Let us feel the heavy responsibility on our shoulders。" Yang Wenpeng, the director of Ning'er Station said,“Now more than 1,000 people take the China-Laos 188bet online casino games trains to various places at Ning’er Station every day,Serve travelers from ethnic areas well、Be a good ‘recipient’,It is our unshirkable responsibility and mission。”
In recent years,Kunming Bureau Group Company adheres to the "one stop, one theme、One stop, one home”,Fully absorb the national cultural elements of the region where the station belongs,By creating service stations with national characteristics such as “Silk Road·Golden Flower”, “Red River·Golden Flower” and “Yizhou·Golden Flower”,Important passage in the station area、Regional and other construction national cultural theme reliefs、Promenade and wall with golden phrases about national unity and 188bet online casino games, etc.,Use common ideals and beliefs to unite the heart and forge the soul,Gather the ideological consensus of railway workers and local people to participate in the demonstration and creation of national unity and 188bet online casino games、Action Consensus。
They also took the opportunity of "the first bureau of the four states and cities along the China-Laos Railway to build a demonstration and creation alliance for the awareness of the Chinese nation's community",Joined to carry out the theme activity of "Building National Sentiment and Joining Hands to the Party"、"Celebrate national festivals together、Sharing the Results of Happiness" mass exchange event,Promote the jade grinding section of the China-Laos Railway、Lixiang Railway has become the heartline of national unity and 188bet online casino games、Happiness Line、Landscape。
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"Take the national culture train,Watch ethnic song and dance performances,Learn national cultural knowledge,This is my most unforgettable memory..." October 9, 18:00,Y752 Bai from Kunming to Lijiang、On the Naxi ethnic culture train,Li Yulun’s family warmly invited the train conductors to take a group photo,Fixed the beautiful moment of "national 188bet online casino games and family 188bet online casino games"。
Y752 double-decker national culture train is the Kunming Bureau Group Company’s theme of “the Party’s glory shines on the frontier”、“Community” paves the way for “common prosperity” and other Yunnan characteristics、Railway Characteristics,Created to "speak of national 188bet online casino games、Watch the ethnic dance、Eat with ethnic flavor、Entertainment with national cultural charm、Need to have ethnic services and special trains。As of September this year,This train has been running for 10 years,Transporting over 10 million passengers,Its unique ethnic style services are deeply loved by tourists,Become a veritable “Internet celebrity train”。
“We have completely upgraded and transformed the train’s software and hardware service facilities。Independently configured one-person soft bag,Bedding arrangement incorporating ethnic elements,There are Dongba characters and Chinese explanations printed on the upper edge of the windows in the carriage,Let the 188bet online casino games customs linger in the entire carriage。"Introduced by train conductor Li Wenwen。There are Bai people on the train、Decoration of Naxi cultural elements、Private rooms with different themes and atmospheres、Wonderful song and dance performance,Make this train unforgettable for passengers who have taken this train。
Li Jianheng, a Bai ethnic flight attendant who lives in Dali, Yunnan,Familiar with Bai dialect and Mandarin,While taking train Y752,She also became a national cultural propagandist,Telling tourists about national culture、National Festivals and National 188bet online casino games Stories。
"Every time a story of national 188bet online casino games is told,I also have a deeper understanding of the consciousness of building a strong community of the Chinese nation。"Li Jianheng said,"In the future, I will tell the story of the National 188bet online casino games Pledge Monument to more passengers on the train,Let the story of national 188bet online casino games spread more widely across the land of Yunling。”
In recent years,Kunming Bureau Group Corporation adheres to “one train, one theme”,To meet the individual needs of travelers of all races、Differentiated ride demand as the goal,From "speaking、Look、Entertainment、Eat、Need "5 aspects to start with",Carefully build a demonstration train of national unity and 188bet online casino games,Assign employees who can speak the national language to serve as train promoters,Opening "Ethnic Knowledge Small Classroom",Let tourists deeply feel that "a journey is a national cultural nourishment"。
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In the big railway family of Kunming Bureau Group Company,Cadres and workers of all ethnic groups are like pomegranates with a thousand rooms and the same base、Thousands of sons are like one",Work together and respect each other、Mutual tolerance、A beautiful picture of national unity and 188bet online casino games that helps each other。
"I am very proud to be on the national train that passes through my hometown。”Li Guangdeng, a 36-year-old Hani youth from Pu’er City, works hard to learn and practice martial arts,I realized my dream of driving a train back to my hometown。As the driver of the first train of the China-Laos Railway and the first international passenger train of the China-Laos Railway,Li Guangdeng keeps his hometown and career in his heart,Determined to carry forward the glorious traditions of our ancestors,Better continue the story of the National 188bet online casino games Pledge Monument,Let the story of national 188bet online casino games be passed down from generation to generation。
"The China-Laos 188bet online casino games has made me the 'pride of the whole village'。There used to be no trains in Mengla County,People in the village have no idea about trains,I don’t even know what kind of job the conductor does。" Said Yi Bo Feng, a Dai flight attendant at the Kunming Passenger Transport Section,Now all the villagers in the village come to her for advice if they have questions about the 188bet online casino games。
"I am a native of Shangri-La,Every time I serve fellow villagers in Tibetan, I feel a deep sense of happiness and pride when riding on the bus。" Qili Peichu, a Tibetan passenger transporter at Shangri-La Station in Guangtong Depot, said confidently,The family is proud of him,He is proud of the 188bet online casino games。
Over the years,Kunming Bureau Group Corporation actively recruits young people of all ethnic groups along the line to join the workforce,Let them better serve and give back to the people of all ethnic groups in their hometown。Kunming Bureau Group Company currently has Achang ethnic group、Bai、6238 employees from ethnic minorities including Brown,14 of the total number of employees.93%。They also strengthen daily education,Guide cadres and employees to know and perform their responsibilities,Consciously safeguard national 188bet online casino games;Be caring and caring,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees of all ethnic groups in accordance with the law;Enhance advanced typical tree selection,Full display of the behavior of employees of all ethnic groups,Unite workers of all ethnic groups to consciously contribute to the development of the railway industry。
In recent years,Kunming Bureau Group Corporation firmly grasps the main line of consciousness of building a community of the Chinese nation,Accelerate the construction of railways in ethnic minority areas。2020 Dalin 188bet online casino games、China-Laos 188bet online casino games in 2021、2022 Mimeng High-speed 188bet online casino games、Lixiang 188bet online casino games and other railways will be opened in 2023,Effectively broadening the space for economic and social development in ethnic minority areas in Yunnan。They opened the country’s first 188bet online casino games station specially set up for rural revitalization in Xiaowandong Town, Nanjian Yi Autonomous County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture,Greatly facilitates the travel of 300,000 people of all ethnic groups in local mountainous areas。
Every national festival,Kunming Bureau Group Company increases the number of trains on lines leading to ethnic minority areas、Additional carriages and other measures,Meet the travel needs of people of all ethnic groups along the route to celebrate the festival。During the Torch Festival,Additional high-speed trains from Kunming to Chuxiong,Help thousands of people party、Dance left foot together;Yongren Costume Festival,Additional tourist train between Kunming and Yongren,Promote the development of the "Millennium Yi Costume Show" industry in rural areas;Dali March Street Ethnic Festival,On average, there is one train every more than 10 minutes,Driving tourism in northwest Yunnan to become popular。They have created 2 national demonstration units for national unity and 188bet online casino games,1 national education base for national unity and 188bet online casino games,5 provincial and ministerial level ethnic unity and 188bet online casino games demonstration units,And 3 municipal-level national unity and 188bet online casino games demonstration units,Powerfully promoted the high-quality development of Yunnan Railway National Unity and 188bet online casino games Demonstration Work。
The Chinese nation is one family,Building the Chinese Dream together。Iron dragon leaping over the south of colorful clouds,Steel rails firmly support the road to happiness for people of all ethnic groups in border multi-ethnic provinces,Let the seeds of national 188bet online casino games be sown along the road、Bloom and bear fruit、luxuriant branches。
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