188bet mobile login

The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed 188bet mobile login launches a new "flexible travel" product to further upgrade the convenient travel between Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Release time: 2023-10-16 [Font:Big small

From August 14, 2023,The 188bet mobile login department will launch a new cross-border transportation product "Flexible" on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed 188bet mobile login,Passengers holding valid tickets issued to the station between Futian and Hong Kong West Kowloon Station,Having handled one or more changeshourAfter validity, passengers can still apply on the day of boarding on the ticket3 times "Flexible”Procedure for changing train schedule.

  The 188bet mobile login department will base on transportation capacity,Under the premise of ensuring transportation safety,Place a certain amount of "no seat tickets",For passengers to choose and use when going through the procedures for changing train numbers for "Flexible Travel",Further facilitate travel between Shenzhen and Hong Kong。

  Currently,Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed rail trains exceed 300 every day。January 15th to August 6th this year,The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed 188bet mobile login has sent a total of 808 cross-border passengers.70,000 people,Sending an average of 40,000 passengers per day。The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-Speed ​​188bet mobile login maintains high operation during the summer vacation,The average daily delivery is 5.40,000 people。

  After new product implementation,The 188bet mobile login department will conduct statistical analysis of cross-border passenger flows,Continuously improve and optimize "flexible travel" products,Understand the travel habits and characteristics of passengers,Collect passengers’ needs and suggestions,Timely adjustment、Optimize passenger transport organization streamline,Achieve passenger safety、Comfortable、Convenient ride,Continuously improve the quality of passenger service。

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