As of September 5, 2024,National railways sending 188bet sports bettingSuper3 billion people,Nearly 15% year-on-year growth,A record high for the same period in history, 188bet sports betting transportation across the country is safe, stable and orderly.
Since this year,China 188bet sports betting Group thoroughly implements the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,Adhere to the people-centered development idea,Actively adapt to the continued rebound of my country’s economy、The situation of accelerated personnel flow,Carefully organize passenger transportation,Serve the people safely and orderly、Warm and convenient travel。
First, 188bet sports betting transport capacity is enhanced。National railways arrange an average of 10,730 passenger trains per day,10 year-on-year increase.5%,Dynamic analysis of passenger travel needs,Increase transport capacity in popular directions and sections in a timely manner,Meet 188bet sports betting’ travel needs。Vigorously launch tourist trains,Support the tourism economy、Silver Economic Development。Strengthening cross-border passenger transport organization,The Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed Railway has carried nearly 18 million cross-border 188bet sports betting、46% year-on-year increase,China-Laos Railway has sent a total of 16 cross-border 188bet sports betting30,000 people。Maintain the operation scale of normal-speed passenger trains,Open the public welfare “slow train” and rural revitalization train,Facilitate travel for people of all ages and in poverty-stricken areas。
The second is to improve service quality。Optimize railway 12306 service functions,Scientifically formulate ticket sales strategies,Continuously improve the passenger ticket purchasing experience。Actively promote new ticketing services,Counting votes、Regular tickets cover 60 lines,The travel package covers 11 routes。Railway traffic code covers all EMU trains,Convenient transfers are available at 120 stations across the country,More than 80 stations provide Internet ordering services,“Silent Car” service expanded to 92 EMU trains,Improve the quality of train catering services,Provide services for key 188bet sports betting including the elderly, the young, the sick, the disabled and pregnant,Actively advocate civilized travel,Create warmthComfortable travel environment.
Third, safe and stable transportation。Adhere to the supremacy of the people、Life comes first、Safety first,Actively respond to various extreme weather and natural disasters,Strengthen monitoring and early warning、Line inspection、Equipment maintenance,Take proactive risk avoidance measures in advance,Ensuring the safe operation of passenger trains。Strengthen passenger boarding and landing organization,Intensify security inspections at stations,Effectively ensuring the safe and orderly travel of 188bet sports betting。