53 |
65 |
Standard number |
28 |
Management unit |
Release number |
1 |
33 |
44 |
20181203 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]92No. |
2 |
39 |
40 |
66 |
188bet Live Casino |
Iron Construction2943 |
3 |
45 |
GB50012-2012 |
20110001 |
47 |
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development148717452_17455 |
4 |
50 |
51 |
20171201 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2017]62No. |
5 |
188bet Live Casino station and hub design specifications |
57 |
58 |
59 |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2017]62No. |
6 |
24200~250Interim regulations on 188bet Live Casino design for kilometers of passenger dedicated lines (speed25063 |
None |
20050811 |
188bet Live Casino |
Iron Construction[2005]140No. |
7 |
188bet Live Casino subgrade design specifications |
TB10001-2017 |
20170401 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2016]50No. |
8 |
188bet Live Casino bridge and culvert design specifications |
TB10002-2017 |
20170501 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2017]2No. |
9 |
Design Code for 188bet Live Casino Bridge Steel Structures |
TB10091-2017 |
20170501 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2017]2No. |
10 |
Design specifications for concrete structures of 188bet Live Casino bridges and culverts |
TB10092-2017 |
20170501 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2017]2No. |
11 |
188bet Live Casino bridge and culvert foundation and foundation design specifications |
TB10093-2017 |
20170501 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2017]2No. |
12 |
188bet Live Casino Tunnel Design Code |
TB10003-2005 |
20050425 |
188bet Live Casino |
Iron Construction[2005]67No. |
13 |
188bet Live Casino maintenance equipment design specifications |
TB10004-2018 |
20181112 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]90No. |
14 |
Design specifications for 188bet Live Casino subgrade retaining structures |
TB10025-2019 |
20191201 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2019]32No. |
15 |
188bet Live Casino passenger car vehicle equipment design specifications |
TB10029-2022 |
20220418 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2022]15No. |
16 |
Design specifications for 188bet Live Casino freight vehicle equipment |
TB10031-2021 |
20211101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2021]34No. |
17 |
Special 188bet Live Casino Subgrade Design Specifications |
TB10035-2018 |
20190101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]82No. |
18 |
Design specification for 188bet Live Casino vehicle operation safety monitoring system |
TB10057-2021 |
20211229 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2021]49No. |
19 |
Design specifications for 188bet Live Casino humps and shunting yards |
TB10062-2018 |
20181203 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]92No. |
20 |
188bet Live Casino station road and drainage design specifications |
TB10066-2000 |
20010401 |
188bet Live Casino |
Letter from 188bet Live Casino Construction[2000]445No. |
21 |
Design specifications for passenger and freight equipment at 188bet Live Casino stations |
TB10067-2000 |
20010401 |
188bet Live Casino |
Letter from 188bet Live Casino Construction[2000]445No. |
22 |
Design specifications for 188bet Live Casino hump signaling and marshalling station automation systems |
TB10069-2017 |
20170701 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2017]25No. |
23 |
188bet Live Casino Industrial Station Harbor Station Design Specification |
Q/CR 9135-2015 |
20150601 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2015]87No. |
24 |
188bet Live Casino track design specifications |
TB10082-2017 |
20171220 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2017]71No. |
25 |
New creation speed200Supplementary Provisions for Testing and Installation of Kilometers of Passenger and Freight Common Line Ballasted Track 188bet Live Casino Track Control Network |
None |
20130901 |
188bet Live Casino |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction〔2013〕88No. |
26 |
Design regulations for 188bet Live Casino bonding beams |
TBJ24-89 |
19900501 |
188bet Live Casino |
188bet Live Casino Construction[1989]161No. |
27 |
Design specifications for 188bet Live Casino military transportation facilities |
TB 10090-2018 |
20180119 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]5No. |
28 |
Construction Technical Regulations for Electric Traction Power Supply Project of Passenger and Freight Common Line 188bet Live Casino |
Q/CR9658-2017 |
20170601 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2017]37No. |
29 |
Technical Regulations for Construction of Passenger and Freight Common Line 188bet Live Casino Track Engineering |
Q/CR9654-2017 |
20081020 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2017]64No. |
30 |
Technical Regulations for Construction of Passenger and Freight Common Line 188bet Live Casino Subgrade Engineering |
Q/CR9651-2017 |
20170601 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2017]37No. |
31 |
Technical regulations for the construction of bridge and culvert projects for passenger and freight shared 188bet Live Casino lines |
Q/CR9652-2017 |
20170601 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2017]37No. |
32 |
Technical Regulations for Construction of Passenger and Freight Common Line 188bet Live Casino Tunnel Engineering |
Q/CR9653-2017 |
20170601 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2017]37No. |
33 |
Technical Regulations for Construction of Passenger and Freight Common Line 188bet Live Casino Communication Engineering |
Q/CR9655-2015 |
20150501 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2015]47No. |
34 |
Construction Technical Regulations for Passenger and Freight Common Line 188bet Live Casino Signaling Project |
Q/CR9656-2017 |
20170601 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2017]37No. |
35 |
Technical Regulations for Construction of Passenger and Freight Common Line 188bet Live Casino Power Engineering |
Q/CR9657-2015 |
20150122 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
General 188bet Live Casino Construction[2015]47No. |
36 |
188bet Live Casino track engineering construction quality acceptance standards |
TB10413-2018 |
20040101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]91No. |
37 |
Construction quality acceptance standards for 188bet Live Casino subgrade projects |
TB10414-2018 |
20040101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]91No. |
38 |
Construction quality acceptance standards for 188bet Live Casino bridge and culvert projects |
TB10415-2018 |
20040101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]91No. |
39 |
188bet Live Casino Tunnel Engineering Construction Quality Acceptance Standard |
TB10417-2018 |
20040101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]91No. |
40 |
Construction quality acceptance standards for 188bet Live Casino transportation and communication projects |
TB10418-2018 |
20040101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]91No. |
41 |
Construction quality acceptance standards for 188bet Live Casino signaling projects |
TB10419-2018 |
20040101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]91No. |
42 |
188bet Live Casino power engineering construction quality acceptance standards |
TB10420-2018 |
20040101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]91No. |
43 |
Construction Quality Acceptance Standard for 188bet Live Casino Electric Traction Power Supply Project |
TB10421-2018 |
20040101 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2018]91No. |
44 |
Technical Specifications for Dynamic Acceptance of Passenger and Freight Common Line 188bet Live Casino Projects |
TB 100461-2019 |
20190801 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2019]19No. |
45 |
Interim Provisions on the Survey Regulations for 188bet Live Casino Engineering in the Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Area (Trial) |
None |
20010408 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Iron Construction[2001]32No. |
46 |
Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Area Tunnel Engineering Quality Inspection, Assessment and Acceptance Standards (Trial) |
None |
20020122 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Jianji[2002]8No. |
47 |
Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Area Roadbed Engineering Quality Inspection, Assessment and Acceptance Standards (Trial) |
None |
20020227 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Jianji[2002]18No. |
48 |
Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Area Bridge and Culvert Engineering Quality Inspection Assessment and Acceptance Standards (Trial) |
None |
20020227 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Jianji[2002]18No. |
49 |
Quality acceptance assessment and acceptance standards for water supply, drainage and housing construction projects in permafrost areas of the Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau (Trial) |
None |
20020802 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Jianji[2002]64No. |
50 |
Interim Provisions on the Engineering Design of the Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Area (Volume 2) |
None |
20020925 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Jianji[2002]79No. |
51 |
Interim Regulations on Construction of Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Areas (Volume 1) |
None |
20030306 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Jianji[2003]13No. |
52 |
Interim Standard for Inspection and Evaluation of Concrete Durability in the Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Area |
None |
20030811 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Jianji[2003]55No. |
53 |
Interim Provisions on the Engineering Design of the Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Area (Volume 1) |
None |
20030312 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Iron Construction[2003]18No. |
54 |
Quality acceptance standards for building insulation and waterproofing projects in plateau permafrost areas of the Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino |
None |
20041216 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Iron Construction[2004]149No. |
55 |
Interim Provisions on Construction of Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Areas (Volume 2) |
None |
20050411 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Letter from 188bet Live Casino Construction[2005]243No. |
56 |
Interim Standards for Construction Quality Acceptance of Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Plateau Permafrost Area Projects (Volume 2) |
None |
20050411 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Letter from 188bet Live Casino Construction[2005]243No. |
57 |
Interim Regulations for Construction Quality Acceptance of Post-tensioned Beam Durability Protection Project of Qinghai-Tibet 188bet Live Casino |
None |
20060427 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Iron Construction[2006]64No. |
58 |
Municipal 188bet Live Casino design specifications |
T/CRSC0101-2017 |
188bet Live Casino Society |
Study Secretary[2017]7No. |
59 |
Specifications for Design of Special 188bet Live Casino Lines (Trial) |
TB10638-2019 |
20200301 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2019]41No. |
60 |
City (suburban) 188bet Live Casino design specifications |
TB10624-2020 |
20201224 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2020]62No. |
61 |
Unified Standard for 188bet Live Casino Engineering Information Model |
TB10183-2021 |
20210310 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2021]10No. |
62 |
Technical Regulations for Safety Monitoring of Sichuan-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Tunnel Construction |
TB10315-2021 |
20210928 |
188bet Live Casino |
National 188bet Live Casino Science and Technology[2021]29No. |
63 |
Interim Provisions on Sichuan-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Survey and Design |
Q/CR9529-2021 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Iron Construction[2021]50No. |
64 |
Supplementary Standard for Construction Quality Acceptance of Sichuan-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Station Front Project |
Q/CR9530-2021 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Iron Construction[2021]123No. |
65 |
"Interim Provisions on the Survey and Design of Sichuan-Tibet 188bet Live Casino Construction Roads and Construction Power Supply Projects" |
Q/CR9153-2019 |
20190802 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Iron Construction[2019]22No. |
66 |
Specifications for Design of Special 188bet Live Casino Lines (Trial) |
Q/CR9156-2019 |
20190527 |
National 188bet Live Casino Group |
Iron Construction[2019]90No. |